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The encyclopedia definition of ownership is the relationship between a person and an object.  In this case; to toake ownership of one's own learning is for a student to create a connection with the content they are being taught.  Some students are able to claim ownership of their learning through interest in content.  While others may need the option of choice to encapsuleate their interest, so they may gain connections, motivation and enthusiasm. Throughout this website you will see various forms of how to go from "I will do my work because I HAVE to" to finally, "I will do my work because I WANT to!"

What does it look like in a classroom?

What ownership looks like will vary between age groups and classrooms.  Overall you will see students connecting content to their own lives, dispays of motivation and enhusiasm to learn more in depth, and some will see students using critical thinking in their lessons.  

What is ownership?

"The absolute key to developing literacy centers that will benefit your students’ literacy learning is to avoid making your centers teacher inten- sive."

“If Only It Weren’t Such a Chore . . .”:

"I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that students want the ability to make choices in what they read. "

"I am more motivated to read if I get to read about something that interests me."

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